You can view a patient's medical problems, medications, allergies, and implantable devices from several modules. You can also view medical alerts when performing a medical history review.
Note: Viewing medical alerts requires the "Medical Alerts, View" security right.
To view a patient's medical alerts
Do one of the following:
In Appointment Book, have the correct patient's appointment selected.
In Chart, Ledger, Family File, Document Center, Treatment Planner, More Information, or Patient Prescription, have the correct patient selected.
Do one of the following:
In Family File, do one of the following:
Double-click the Medical Alerts block.
Click the Medical Alerts button in the Medical Alerts block.
If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button
is completely red.
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on the
button is gray with a red outline.
Click the Medical Alerts button on the toolbar of one of the following modules:
Appointment Book, Chart, Ledger, or Family File:
If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button
is completely red.
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on the
button is gray with a red outline.
Treatment Planner or Document Center:
If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button is completely red.
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on the button is gray with a red outline.
Patient Prescription:
If the patient has
at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the button is completely
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on
the button is gray with a red outline.
In More Information, click the Medical Alerts/Problems button on the toolbar:
If the patient has at least one medical alert, the plus sign on the
button is completely red.
If the patient does not have any medical alerts, the plus sign on
the button is gray with a red outline.
In Appointment Book, right-click the patient's appointment, and then click Medical Alerts/Notes. The Medical Alerts/Notes dialog box appears. Click Edit.
In Appointment Book, on the File menu, click Medical Alerts/Notes. The Medical Alerts/Notes dialog box appears. Click Edit.
In Appointment Book, Chart, Ledger, Treatment Planner or Document Center, on the File menu, click Medical Alerts.
The Medical Alerts dialog box appears and displays any existing problems, medications, prescriptions, allergies, and implantable devices that are assigned to the patient.
The dialog box consists of a toolbar, a Problems list, a Medications/Prescriptions list, an Allergies list, a Devices list, and an Additional Information pane.
On the Additional Information pane, the information changes as you select a specific item in a list, and the type of information that is available varies depending on which list the selected item is in.
You can sort any of the lists in ascending order by clicking a column header. Click the same column header again to sort the list in descending order.
show or hide inactive medical alerts in all three lists, click the View Active and Inactive Alerts
or View Only Active Alerts button